ZENOCTIL - iSlimClinic (Duromines.com & Duromineclinic.com)

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Why Zenoctil?
Complementing to duromine weight lose programme, Zenoctil is the perfect addition. The all natural zenoctil is too sold under clinical license for it's patented ingredients which works much better then any before-food weight lost pills sold on the shelves. Xanitrol™ compostition contains the detox element to aid the flushing of residuing phentermine in the liver.

About Zenoctil
Zenoctil™ is a clinically tested fat burner (thermogenic agent). With no known harmful side effects, Zenoctil is safe for long-term use. Zenoctil™ is the only fat burner that contains Xanitrol™, a patented compound of essential bioactives from extracts of commonly used food sources. Zenoctil™ helps to burn stored body fat and prevents excess fat storage. It also helps to reduce stress associated with dieting while maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. Zenoctil™ is a safe and effective way to burn fat and sustain weight loss.

Xanitrol™ is Natural
Xanitrol™ in Zenoctil™ is a proprietary compound of essential bioactives from natural sources. A patented compound, Xanitrol™ is derived from no less than four unique extracts of Garcinia cambogia fruits as well as extracts from Banaba leaves, Green Tea and Green Coffee. Stringent quality controls ensure that these extracts are of the highest potency with total traceability. Xanitrol™ is the result of decades of research and development by world-renowned scientists. More importantly, it has been scientifically validated to ensure that all the natural ingredients used in Xanitrol™ provide synergistic fat burning as well as fat blocking activities. In other words, Xanitrol™ has been clinically tested to promote fat loss.

Xanitrol™ is clinically tested
The natural, unique and proprietary Xanitrol™ reduces “body fat percentage” and promotes burning of stored body fat (thermogenesis) in white adipose or fat tissues. Xanitrol™ promotes natural fat burning and effectively prevents the conversion of dietary carbohydrates into fat in the body. In short, it acts as a fat burner and fat blocker. The thermogenic and weight reduction effects of Xanitrol™ are scientifically evaluated in a double-blind, randomised clinical study of 91 healthy overweight and mildly obese adults. Xanitrol™ has shown significant reductions in body fat, body weight, body mass index (BMI) and abdominal girth in 12 weeks. In addition, Xanitrol™ also showed that it significantly improved body composition.




The influx of information on fats and their impact on health have made many sit up and re-look their state of health and the many options available to improve it. Certainly, taking charge of one’s own fitness and health is a move towards the right direction. This includes not just a lifestyle change but also taking into consideration helping aids like fat burners.

So, what are fat burners? As the term suggests, fat burners promote the burning of your stored body fat. Fat burners operate on the principle of thermogenesis or the breakdown of body fat. Also known as thermogenic agents, fat burners have metabolism-boosting properties and these help you lose weight and fat as your metabolic rate is raised.

Fat burners release the stored body fat from your fat cells by breaking down fat cells. The released body fat, in the form of fatty acids, will then be found available in your blood stream for mobilisation to the muscle cells and are thus burned to generate energy.

Additionally, fat burners also prevent lipogenesis or formation of fat cells. These also suppress appetite and reduce the feeling of hunger. In effect, food intake is reduced and this leads to weight loss as less fat and calories are available as energy source or for burning as well as storage.

Eventually, burning or breaking down the stored fat as well as reducing the storage of body fat lead towards attaining your healthy body weight or healthy body composition.
Myth 1
With fat burners, you can eat anything you want and don’t gain weight.

It is advised that a fat burner be taken in combination with regular exercise & a balanced diet in order to achieve a healthy weight loss. The amount of calories you put into your body and the amount of energy you use up on your activities will determine your body weight. Simply remember that when you take more calories than you need to perform your day's activities, your body stores the extra calories or fat and you gain weight. On the other hand, you lose weight if your body burns more of your stored calories or when you take less calories than you use. Thus, many use helping aids like fat burners to help them through times when their willpower is tested. Besides, some weight loss results also serve as encouragement to those who need the extra help.

Myth 2
Ignore the calories, take a ‘fat burner’ food to lose weight. It’s as good as weight loss drugs without the side effects.
Claims about asparagus, beets, cabbage, carrots, celery, garlic, horseradish, lettuce, onions, etc. as ‘fat burner’ foods that burn more calories than they supply when digested are untrue. All foods containing carbohydrates & protein can increase the rate at which your body burns calories in a simple act of digesting & absorbing the food. However, the rate of increase is too small to help reduce one’s weight.

Myth 3
Turn fat into muscle with a fat burner.
Fat cells and muscles are two different kinds of tissues. Fat cells cannot be converted directly into muscles. You can lose fat with a fat burner and a healthy lifestyle, then gain muscles through regular exercise and intense strength training to build up these muscles.
Weight loss products and fat burners have gained increasing prominence due to the escalation of the obese and the overweight population, readily available information on fat issues and the impact on health, as well as the trend to “self-manage” ones health.

“Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally”, declares the World Health Organization (WHO) in their fact sheet* concerning obesity and overweight. WHO projections show that globally, in 2005, about 1.6 billion adults were overweight and at least 400 million were obese.

The Bulging Burden
As a major contributor to the burden of chronic disease and disability, the issue of obesity & overweight is a cause for concern. Obesity & overweight are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease (heart disease and stroke), diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders and certain forms of cancer (especially hormonally-related & large bowel cancers).

The bulging population and the association of obesity and overweight with chronic disease and disability, warrant a battle against this epidemic concern. For effective weight management programs, regular physical activity & healthy diets need integration with prevention, weight maintenance, management of co-morbidities and weight loss plans

As the overweight population is estimated by WHO to reach 2.3 billion by 2015, the battle of the bulge is expected to rage on. Thus, long-term strategies towards an integrated, multi-sectoral and population-based approach are needed.

* Obesity & overweight, WHO Fact Sheet N0 311 (September 2016)
Whether you lose 2 kilos or 20 kilos, the same law of physics applies. Remember the basic principle: your weight is determined by the amount of energy from the food you eat and the amount of energy you use in your daily activities. Your body weight remains constant when there is a balance between your energy intake and energy utilisation. When your calorie intake is greater than your utilisation, your body weight increases over time. The reverse applies for weight loss.

Lose fat, not just weight
There is one very important point to keep in mind - weight loss is not the same as fat loss!
Weight loss, is after all, not just about reducing body weight; it may involve loss of fat, muscle or fluids. Without a properly planned weight management programme, your weight loss may end up cannibalising your body muscle.

To achieve a healthy body weight, your primary aim should be the loss of your body fat while preserving your muscles & fluids. In short, weight loss should ideally come from fat loss. This is where the concept of a “healthy body composition” is important. Your body composition is defined by the lean and fat tissues in your body, so obviously, your body composition determines your health.

Maintain your weight after fat loss
The main issues of weight loss are whether you managed to lose some weight, the speed with which you lost it and maintaining the weight you lost in the long-term. There is no such thing as an instant and miraculous weight loss solution. These solutions are often in the form of unsustainable fad or crash diets and sometimes use of unsafe supplements. So, try not to take short cuts with the aim of getting quick results with less effort.

Reducing calories can be an effective way to lose body fat if done correctly. However, this needs to be complemented by a healthy and nutritional diet plan plus a regular workout programme.

Some take a drastic cut in their daily calorie intake, which can be detrimental. Your body has a survival mechanism that slows down your body metabolism to keep energy as well as retain fat when starved. This may result in weight loss with only a reduction of muscle weight but not body fat. Now you know that your body fat does not simply melt away! Highly restrictive diets are difficult, if not impossible to maintain for a long time. These can cause mood changes, headaches, or hunger-pangs.

One major question is how do you get rid of fat? Losing excess body fat can be very difficult and for many it can be very frustrating. Most diets are not applicable for long-term fat loss, which aims at weight reduction rather than loss of body fat.

The food you have taken over 6 months makes up most of your body tissue. Your body recognizes your ‘fat set point’ as the body fat level that has been maintained for a particular period of time. Substantial time is needed to lower this set point.

Men and women are not equal, especially with regards to fat loss. Men do lose fat more easily than women due to hormonal differences. The testosterone levels of men are higher; this helps them to maintain more muscle mass. In the case of women, their hormonal system resists change in the body composition as a protective mechanism. This is the same mechanism that helps women conserve stored energy during pregnancy. Therefore, women lose fat slower than men. In addition, women have difficulty maintaining a low proportion of fat in their body.

Remember, since weight loss should ideally come from fat loss, a reliable fat burner will help kick start the fat loss process. An effective and safe fat burner, like Zenoctil™, serves as your weight/fat loss partner that will complement your healthy lifestyle.
Look good, feel good! These are the desired outcomes most weight watchers would like to achieve and keep for life. Carrying a spare tire around does not simply have a negative impact on your physical appearance alone. It is now known that health implications of abdominal obesity (excessive fat tissue in and around the abdomen) are the major concerns especially for those who carry their potbelly around.

Good looks and self-esteem do matter but let us also look at the many negative aspects of carrying the bulge around our waist, particularly on the aspects of potential health risks associated with bulging bellies. People with bulging waistlines have higher risks of health complications and it is known that the apple-shaped body is associated with elevated risks of heart disease, diabetes, stroke and other medical conditions.

Belly fat is actually visceral fat, which is the layer of fat inside the abdomen. Men tend to store more fat around their mid-section rather than their hips & butts and women accumulate belly fat especially after menopause. Aging does not improve your fat profile; as age progresses, your metabolism slows down. Fat accumulation becomes more difficult to stop and reducing fat becomes a much greater challenge.

Let’s zoom in on the issue of metabolic syndrome. The Mayo Clinic2 defines metabolic syndrome as “a cluster of conditions that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes”. One of these conditions is excess body fat around your waist. The Mayo Clinic suggests aggressive lifestyle changes to delay or derail the development of serious diseases.Furthermore, obesity and bulging bellies are also linked with dementia. In a study published by the Journal of Neurology in March 2008, it has been shown that people who were obese and had a large belly size were three (3) times more likely to be diagnosed with dementia in later years than those with normal weight and belly size3.

Take action
So, the fat found in your bulging belly is worse than the fats found elsewhere (like your hips). Do not despair, fight back the bulge! Let's use clichés just to drive the point - “better late than sorry” and “better safe than sorry”. It begins with you, for you. Once you decide to combat the belly fat, act on it. A healthy lifestyle plus helping aids, like Zenoctil™, is a move towards attaining your healthy body weight. That includes sensible healthy eating plus an active lifestyle you really enjoy. This way, you can sustain the healthy lifestyle and you also get to have fun too. Now, that is about you staying in control of your health (bulging belly included).

3Journal of Neurology (DOI: 10.1212/01.wnl.0000306313.89165.ef)
Today, many of us enjoy a modern lifestyle, especially for those who live in the urban areas. In consequence, our lifestyle has changed considerably. It may be sedentary with imbalanced and unhealthy diets, causing an increase in the obese and overweight population.

The negative health consequences of obesity and overweight often lead to a short life span if not a life troubled by disease. In some circumstances, depression or emotional disturbance beset them. The health consequences of this segment of the population cannot be hidden under layers of clothing unlike their physical looks. Thus, the goal of a large number of people should be achieving a lean and healthy body composition, with looking good as a bonus. At this point, an effective and safe fat burner needs to be included to kick start the weight management program.

A healthy lifestyle is always a must and a fat burner supplement is your partner in achieving your healthy body weight. You need a fat burner, like Zenooctil™ to kickstart your plans and keep you motivated with the results on the way.

If you exercise regularly and follow good nutritional habits, a good fat burner supplement like Zenoctil™ will help you eliminate those frustrating problem areas. It certainly is very motivating, when you lose fat in a short period of time.

Remember, there is no miracle or over night solution for losing weight. You need Zenoctil™, an effective and safe fat burner, to complement your healthy weight loss program that includes physical activities and healthy diet plans. Thus, in order to attain weight loss results, commit to a healthy lifestyle with Zenoctil™. Furthermore, maintain your healthy body composition in the long term by adopting a healthy lifestyle permanently.

Make Zenoctil™ your choice! Jump-start fat loss and burn fat safely with the clinically tested and natural Zenoctil™.

Many weight watchers experience a weight loss and weight gain cycle which Dr Kelly D. Brownell, Ph.D. from Yale University, called “Yo-yo dieting”. In “yoyo dieting” or weight cycling, weight watchers manage to achieve weight loss in the beginning but are unable to maintain the reduction, regaining the weight back after some time. They then start to lose the regained weight and the cycle begins again.

The causative factors of the “yo-yo” diet may vary although weight cycling is mainly attributed to an extreme diet plan also known as “crash diets”. When a diet plan calls for severe and drastic restriction of calorie intake such as skipping meals and even starvation, this may lead to the “yo-yo diet” effect.
There is an imbalance in nutrition when one practices unhealthy eating habits. As a result, your body adapts, like a response to a famine. The human body has a survival mechanism that slows down the body’s metabolism to keep energy as well as retain fat when starved.
Let’s take a closer look at the “yoyo diet”. At the beginning, there is weight loss when you take a drastic cut in calorie intake. After some time, your body will experience the effects of excessive dieting. Detrimental effects such as fatigue, stress and depression can take place. It would not take long for you to realise that the drastic cut in your daily calorie intake is no longer possible to maintain.

The effort to maintain the diet plan becomes a struggle you will capitulate to as you revert to your previous eating habits. By losing the battle, you can rapidly regain the weight you lost initially and in some cases, the regain is even more than the weight lost. This will eventually result in the cyclic loss and gain in body weight as you try to lose the regained weight. This entire process is thus likened to the ups and downs of the cycling “yoyo”. It is, therefore, an accepted fact that taking drastic caloric restrictions can be detrimental physically as well as emotionally to the weight watchers.
Looking at the physiological level, “yo-yo dieting” can endanger your health. In your body’s starvation response, your severe caloric restriction may result in loss of both muscle and fats. Just as drastic as your diet, the extreme changes in your fat to muscle ratio may also lead to health complications.
Do you know what happens to the fat you have ingested, in particular the amount that is in excess of your body’s needs? Excess dietary fats can go to your belly!

Let's trace the route of the fat you have eaten. Dietary fat is broken down into fatty acids and glycerol in your stomach and small intestines. However, only 5% is convertible into glucose as it is not the body’s preferred choice of fuel or energy source. The excess dietary fats will be stored as body fat in the adipose or fat tissues. Fat storage is your body’s survival strategy such that your body will maximise the energy efficiency in terms of the creation, storage and usage of your body fat. Basically, body fat will be stored in the midsection (abdomen, hips & buttocks). The fat stored around the stomach is known as intra-abdominal/visceral fat or in simple terms, belly fat.

Furthermore, belly fat has been scientifically associated with many health problems, which include bloating, heartburn, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer and dementia.
To sum it up, daily food (calorie) intake and physical activities are important factors to consider in getting a trim figure. Regardless of whether weight loss or healthy weight maintenance is your main objective, the balance of energy input to energy output (daily calorie intake and expenditure) is crucial.
Belly fat is very different from other fat storage sites. During stressful moments, stress hormones are elevated and your body will start to build up fat, especially belly fat. In addition to fat build up around your belly in response to the stressful events, there is also a reduction of muscle mass.
Garcinia cambogia Extract

The proprietary compound derived from four unique extracts of Garcinia cambogia is obtained from the dried fruits of the Garcinia cambogia tree.
Its main active ingredient is Hydroxycitric acid (HCA). The HCA found in Xanitrol™ is of the highest purity available commercially. HCA enhances the function of Zenoctil™ as it is a powerful thermogenic agent that prevents excess carbohydrates from being stored as fat in the body. Hydroxycitric acid improces weight loss by preventing fat storage and controlling appetite. It might improve exercise performance by limiting the use of stored energy in the muscles which prevent fatigue.
Green Tea Extract

The proprietary extract from dried green tea leaves (Camellia sinensis ), contains the most potent and effective concentrations of Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG), L-Theanine and caffeine that promote fat oxidation (Thermogenesis). The high concentration of L-Theanine functions as a stress reducing agent that enhances alertness and relaxation. Fatigue and stress are common setbacks to weight loss efforts.

Green Coffee Extract

The extract from the coffee bean of the arabica species contains polyphenols, a standardised amount of chlorogenic acid and caffeine. Chlorogenic acid helps to maintain normal glucose metabolism and promote healthy insulin levels, thus effectively controlling appetite and food cravings. Recent Advances on Its Dual Role as a Food Additive and a Nutraceutical against Metabolic Syndrome.

Banaba Extract

Obtained from the dried leaves of Lagerstromeia speciosa, the standardised Banaba extract contains Corosolic acid. Corosolic acid helps to maintain normal glucose metabolism and promote healthy insulin levels, thus effectively controlling appetite and food cravings.

Research shows that Banaba lower blood sugar by 13.5% in people with diabetes.
How Does Zenoctil™ Work?
There are many fat burning products available in the market today, but the key element you should know in a product is its efficacy profile. Understand how Zenoctil™ works and learn the multiple benefits you will derive from Zenoctil™.

Zenoctil™ contains Xanitrol™, a natural proprietary compound. Xanitrol™ combines the highest standardised potency available today of the essential bioactives from no less than four unique extracts of Garcinia cambogia, as well as Banaba, Green Tea and Green Coffee. These bioactives complement each other in promoting fat burning and weight loss leading to a healthier body composition through several modes of action.

Zenoctil™ works for you
Let us sum up the many ways Zenoctil™ works and the multiple benefits you can derive from Zenoctil™. Zenoctil™ promotes a healthy and sustainable weight loss and helps convert fat body mass to lean body mass leading to a healthier body composition. In addition, Zenoctil™ also helps to reduce diet-related stress and maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Zenoctil™ is formulated with Xanitrol™, a compound consisting of natural ingredients. Zenoctil™ is also an ephedra-free fat burner and has no known harmful side effects.

Zenoctil's modes of action
Burns Fat
HCA facilitates the transportation of fats into the mitochondria for fat burning and energy production.
Epigallocatechin (EGCG), L-theanine & caffeine promote fat oxidation (fat burning/thermogenesis).
Blocks Fat Storage
HCA prevents excess carbohydrates from being stored as fat in the body (by inhibiting the ATP-citrate lyase enzyme).
Epigallocatechin (EGCG), chlorogenic acid and corosolic acid help suppress the conversion of excess calories to fatty acid (precursor of fat synthesis).
Reduces Dietary Fat Absorption
Green Tea inhibits the lipase enzyme, reducing fat absorption.
Decreases Food Cravings, Suppresses Appetite, Maintains Healthy Blood Sugar Level
HCA mediates the production of glycogen in the liver, sending a satiety signal to the brain thus suppressing appetite and reducing food cravings.
Chlorogenic acid and corosolic acid help to maintain normal glucose metabolism and promote healthy insulin levels, thus effectively controlling appetite and food craving.
Zenoctil’s™ other mode of action

Reduces Stress (Relaxation & Alertness Enhancer)
A high concentration of L-Theanine in Green Tea Extracts stimulates alpha brain waves production -- increases gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) formation that promotes relaxation & alertness

So Why Zenoctil ?
Are you confused about which fat-loss supplement to use? Then you will have further questions such as: “Are all fat-loss supplements the same?” “Do any of them really work?” “Are they safe?” “What’s the proof that they really work?”

The answers to all these questions are all linked to “scientific evidence”! Not all fat burners have clinical evidence to support them. Many use the evidence of the ingredients’ efficacy instead of the evidence of the product formula’s efficacy. These are two different types of evidence. It is important that the formula has evidence that it works as a whole as you are not taking individual ingredients separately. In fact, an ingredient may not work effectively together with other ingredients, if they are not formulated properly. Therefore, it is important to determine the efficacy of the product by conducting a clinical study on the entire formula.

The same goes with the safety profile of the product. Clinical studies on the entire formula or finished product are critical and essential.

Zenoctil™, an effective natural fat burner, is a clinically tested formula. Zenoctil™ is backed by scientific study on the product formula that utilises only scientifically validated ingredients. This is unlike other fat burners, which have studies on their active ingredients only. Moreover, Zenoctil™ contains the highest standardised potency of essential bioactives available today.

In addition, Zenoctil™ has no known harmful side effects. It is a safe fat burner for men and women. Zenoctil™ contains Xanitrol™, which consists of natural ingredients derived from natural food sources and is generally regarded as safe.

So indeed, not all fat-loss supplements are created equal! Especially where the scientific basis for efficacy and safety is concerned.

Zenoctil™ is effective
Zenoctil™ is the only thermogenic product that contains Xanitrol™, a natural herbal proprietary compound, is clinically tested to promote burning of stored body fat and to support the inhibition of excess fat storage, leading to a healthier body composition. In addition, Zenoctil™ also helps to reduce diet-related stress and to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.

A double blind, randomised placebo controlled three-arm study was conducted on Xanitrol™ for 12 weeks, comparing it with a standard Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA) and placebo.
Compared to both Placebo and standard
Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA), the Xanitrol™ group showed a significant reduction in body weight, abdominal circumference (belly fat) and BMI, as well as a significantly improved body composition (fat tissue in relation to lean muscle tissue). The following charts summarise the results of the clinical study.
Double blind, randomised studies conducted over 12 weeks
Xanitrol™ vs standard Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA) vs Placebo*
Zenoctil™, proven effective for weight loss

The Xanitrol™ group showed the most weight loss, 5.21 kg in 12 weeks (p<0.001), 2X more than the standard Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA).
Zenoctil™, proven effective for belly fat reduction

The Xanitrol™ group showed a 4.4 cm loss of abdominal circumference (p<0.001) after 12 weeks, 24% more than the standard Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA).
Zenoctil™, proven effective for BMI reduction

The Xanitrol™ group showed a significant drop in BMI of 2.06 kg/m2 (p<0.001), 2.3X more than the standard Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA).
Zenoctil™, helps promote a healthier body composition

The Xanitrol™ group showed a significant fat mass reduction of 5.2% (p<0.001), 2.4X more than the standard Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA).
Related results in the same study also showed that the standard Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA) has a significant reduction in lean mass (but insignificant reduction for the Xanitrol group™). Lean mass reduction is highly undesirable as this often leads to a negative body composition. This commonly occurs when the body undergoes drastic or improper weight loss program. Note that the recommended body fat percentage is 13-17% in healthy adult male and 20-25% in a healthy adult female.

*Kumar KMP, Ganapathi B, Reddy S, Idiculla J and Hegde S. A double blind, randomised placebo controlled trial of Xanitrol™ in reducing body weight of overweight and mildly obese subjects.
Are you clueless about choosing fat burners? Start with getting information on the efficacy and safety of the fat burners you intend to take, in particular the clinical evidence. In addition, check out the ingredients. A reputable manufacturer will indicate the quality and pureness of their ingredients. So read up and learn about how to get a healthy body composition with a safe and reliable fat burner like Zenoctil™.

Indeed not all fat burners are created equal. The table below will serve as your guide when choosing the right fat burner.

"Thanks to Zenoctil™! I can lose more weight than just doing physical activity by itself." Lost 11kg and 20cm on waistline.
Ms. Kelly, 33 years old

"I feel healthier after losing weight. Thanks to Zenoctil!". Lost 10kg and 20cm on waistline.
Puan Nurul, 28 years old
I am so thrilled, I’d like to share my experience. I can't believe I could lose my fat belly and trim off 2 inches from my waistline in just 2 months! I've been using Zenoctil™ and I have dropped 3 kilos and about 4% of my body fat. From a size 16, I now fit a size 14. It’s like a dream that needs to continue as I still want to lose more fat. I’ve been enjoying the evenings out with my friends cycling around the neighbourhood. It’s nice to feel light and I look forward to getting lighter. I find that I could do more activities too because I seem to have high energy levels. I look forward to outdoor activities like the plan to go hiking in the woodlands with my friends this summer.
I have been following your "Tips for getting a trim figure" for about 3 months. The change in me is rather dramatic and definitely visible, both physically and emotionally. Just imagine, I weighed 90 kilos when I started and now I only weigh 85 kilos! I’ve been trying for sometime to drop my weight and it is only now that I have seen results because of Zenoctil™. To top it all, my entire family is enjoying my lively company as we do things together and create healthy meals together. I feel great and together we do common chores like gardening, plan outdoor activities including evening walks and we even go for weekly cycling trips to the nearby park.
I am actually sending this as a thank you note to you. I have been trying so hard for so long to lose my fat belly. I have gained a fat belly during my pregnancy and have gained further with each pregnancy. I have been having a constant wardrobe change because of this. I have three children now and I want to stop gaining more flab.
At one point, I managed to lose some weight by cutting heavily on my carbo intake. But since I felt lethargic whenever I do this, I always end up going back to my regular meals. Thank you for the learning points your website provides. I have finally succeeded at getting rid of some of my unwanted belly fat. The most readily seen measurement is my waistline, my waist size went down from 97 cm to 85 cm. Thanks Zenoctil™.

Food, glorious food!
I love my food a lot and with friends, it is even easier to enjoy them. I guess I overdid the fun part, I did not realise I have accumulated belly fat on the way. At 46 years old, my stubborn belly fat just didn’t seem to budge as fast as they used to, unlike my younger days. That is of course until I tried the fat burner, Zenoctil™. Standing at 5’10” I find the results good; a waistline of 38 inches from 43 and a weight of 90 kg from 96. My BMI of 31 is also reduced to 28. I am over the moon with the results and I am even like a source of information to many of my friends. They ask me about tips and all sorts of stuff. To make my life easy, I point them to the Zenoctil™ website where the explanations are clear.

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