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Herbs (Mint) Leaves Extract to Cut Belly Fat

From chutneys to raitas, to mojitos and to mint, pudina's refreshing goodness can pretty much lift the taste of anything. India is particularly lucky in terms of mint produce. Beyond flavouring our foods and beverages, pudina (or mint) has been regarded very highly by Ayurveda for its immense medicinal benefits. Menthol, which is the active oil in the mint, has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that help relieve indigestion. Mint is excellent to manage blood sugar levels too. It is loaded with anti-inflammatory properties, which could prove to be a big relief for asthma patients. Chewing on mint leaves could instantly help freshen up your breath due to the presence of germicidal properties. Additionally, a bunch of mint leaves could help you lose a pound or two. And, you thought weight loss was all about bland and uninteresting food.

Obtained from the dried organic herbs which contains Lagerstromeia speciosa, the extract contains Corosolic acid which wards off fatigue and depression by reducing the stress that comes with insomnia. Loaded with blood sugar lowering/anti-inflammation properties, which are directly tied to weight and blood sugar disorders like obesity and diabetes.

Here's How Mint Or Pudina Leaves Can Aid Weight Loss

1. Aids digestion: Mint can work wonders for almost all your digestive woes. According to the book, 'Healing Foods' by DK Publishing, menthol, an active compound present in mint leaves, can boost your digestion. Poor digestion is said to hamper your weight loss in a big way. If we are not able to absorb and assimilate our nutrients properly, we may not be able to eliminate waste from our body efficiently either, this may induce weight gain.

2. Boosts metabolism: Mint stimulates digestive enzymes, which help facilitate better absorption of nutrients from food. When the body is able to assimilate nutrients properly, your metabolism improves. A faster metabolism aids weight loss.

3. Low calories: The herb is effectively low in calories. Two tablespoons of fresh peppermint provides only 2 calories, which makes them an ideal herb to be used in a weight loss diet.

Rich in Nutrients

1/3 cup or half an ounce (14 grams) of mint contains:
  • Calories: 6
  • Fiber: 1 gram
  • Vitamin A: 12% of the RDI
  • Iron: 9% of the RDI
  • Manganese: 8% of the RDI
  • Folate: 4% of the RDI

May Improve Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common digestive tract disorder. It is characterized by digestive symptoms like stomach pain, gas, bloating and changes in bowel habits.

Although treatment for IBS often includes dietary changes and taking medications, research shows that taking peppermint oil as an herbal remedy might also be helpful.

Peppermint oil contains a compound called menthol, which is thought to help alleviate IBS symptoms through its relaxing effects on the muscles of the digestive tract(1). A review of nine studies including over 700 patients with IBS found that taking peppermint oil capsules improved IBS symptoms significantly more than placebo capsules(2).

May Help Relieve Indigestion

Mint may also be effective at relieving other digestive problems such as upset stomach and indigestion. Indigestion may occur when food sits in the stomach for too long before passing into the rest of the digestive tract.

Multiple studies have shown that food passes through the stomach quicker when people take mint with meals, which could relieve symptoms from this type of indigestion(3).
A clinical study in people with indigestion showed that a combination of peppermint oil and caraway oil taken in capsules had effects similar to medications used to treat indigestion. This helped improve stomach pain and other digestive symptoms(4).

Could Improve Brain Function

In addition to ingesting mint, there are claims that inhaling the aroma of essential oils from the plant could provide health benefits, including improved brain function.

One study including 144 young adults demonstrated that smelling the aroma of peppermint oil for five minutes prior to testing produced significant improvements in memory (5). Another study found that smelling these mint oils while driving increased alertness and decreased levels of frustration, anxiety and fatigue (6).

The Bottom Line

Mint makes a delicious and healthy addition to many foods and beverages.

Although mint is easy to add to many dishes, research demonstrating its health benefits has mainly used mint taken in capsules, applied to the skin or inhaled via aromatherapy.

Mint’s health benefits range from weight loss, increased metabolism, improving brain function and digestive symptoms to relieving breastfeeding pain, cold symptoms and even bad breath.

You really can’t go wrong adding some mint to your diet.


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