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Put food in its place ...
CONTRAVE is an FDA-approved weight-loss medication for people who are overweight or struggling with obesity. It is uniquely designed to reduce hunger and control cravings, so you can lose weight and keep it off.
Eating for comfort?
When it comes to creating a weight-loss plan, one size doesn't fit all. Everyone faces different challenges that keep them from weight-loss success. For some, it is difficult to control cravings when dealing with emotions like stress. If this sounds familiar, adding CONTRAVE to diet and exercise may help you lose weight and keep it off.
Message from iSlimclinic : Contrave can be used to control cravings and hunger (Appetite Suppressing) maintenance after loosing weight with phentermine based medication. Or Contrave can be used for weight loss through reducing food intake without the side effects of Phentermine.
Weight-loss is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Learn how CONTRAVE can help you on your weight-loss journey.

CONTRAVE is an FDA-approved weight-loss medication for people who are overweight with at least one serious medical condition including diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. or those struggling with obesity.
It is uniquely designed to reduce hunger and control cravings, so you can lose weight and keep it off when combined with diet and exercise.
It is NOT a scheduled drug, or stimulant (Phentermine).
CONTRAVE is effective for maintaining your diet after weight loss programme.
CONTRAVE is the #1 branded (Non-Stimulant) oral weight loss medication.**

**Based on the number of prescription fills for a brand name weight-loss drug in the IQVIA database June 2022 - May 2023
Is CONTRAVE Right for Me?

CONTRAVE is approved for use in adults with a body mass index (BMI)* of 30 kg/m2 or greater, or adults with a BMI of 27 kg/m2 or greater with at least one weight-related medical problem such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or type 2 diabetes.
CONTRAVE is intended to be used with a reduced calorie/fats diet and increased physical activity.
CONTRAVE is NOT intended to be consumed together with Phentermine medication.
CONTRAVE is a NON-STIMULANT (Phentermine) medication.
CONTRAVE is a long-term solution for Craving and Hunger suppression.

Need help determining if CONTRAVE is right for you?
Register with us today to get access to our licensed medical doctor advise.
The Science Behind CONTAVE

There's A Scientific Reason You Are Struggling To Lose Weight & Keep it Off

Through science, we can better understand this challenge because it turns out your brain may be working against you by sending hunger signals or triggering cravings, even when you're not hungry. Contrave defeats the brain signal so that you will have reduced cravings and hunger dramatically.

Our brains play a role in the struggle to lose weight:

CONTRAVE is a long-term approach that works when added to a diet and exercise to help you achieve sustainable results.
Your doctor will likely start you on a low dosage (called a starting dose) and adjust it over time to reach the right amount for you. Your doctor will ultimately prescribe the smallest dosage that provides the desired effect.

The information below describes dosages that are commonly used or recommended by the drugmaker. But be sure to follow your doctor’s dosing instructions. They’ll determine the best dosage to fit your needs.

As shown in the chart above, your Contrave dosage depends on your week of treatment. The first week of treatment, you’ll take one tablet per day in the morning. Then you’ll take one additional tablet per week until week 4.

Starting at week 4, you’ll take two tablets in the morning and two in the evening. This is the dose you’ll likely take long term (also called a maintenance dose).
Patient name: Kalan S.
Age: 33
Occupation: Carpenter

My story:
When I was feeling stressed out, or just low, I found food to be extremely comforting. If I felt that someone was upset with me or treated me poorly, food became my comfort. I always used to say, “food is nice to me” and my snack of choice was sugary snacks and treats like Snickers bars or cookies.
When times got tough, I would gain a lot of weight pretty quickly and would find it difficult to stop myself from eating. I would eat large portions because I always felt like I was starving. I kept seeing the number on the scale increase and was giving up hope. I consider myself lucky to have such an incredible relationship with my amazing doctor who finally helped me get control of my weight. Though it was hard to initially ask for help, it turned out to be the best thing I could’ve done for myself. My doctor has always been so encouraging and optimistic about my weight loss journey. After trying a couple of other medications, she recommended CONTRAVE. At first, I was skeptical that this drug was going to be different, but I noticed I no longer snacked all day pretty quickly after starting CONTRAVE.
Thanks to CONTRAVE and a good diet and exercise regimen, I am proud to say I’m more than halfway to my goal weight! My weight loss has inspired me to continue to keep a healthier daily routine by making sure I include a decent amount of exercise and continue to make healthier food choices like adding more veggies to my diet. I don’t restrict myself, but I do realize I’m not eating nearly as much as I was before.
I am so thankful to have the relationship I do with my doctor and that she recommended CONTRAVE. CONTRAVE has truly made a difference in my weight-loss journey

NOTE: Real patient taking CONTRAVE at the time of her interview in October 2022.
Individual results may vary. Photo and story used with permission.
Patient name: Tori S.
Age: 29
Occupation: Stay-at-home mom

My story:
Growing up, I had always been a heavier-set person. I am six feet tall so it’s in my family genetics to be larger. As a teen, I would try diets like the South Beach diet to try and slim down quickly, but they only proved to be short-term solutions and ultimately, I would gain the weight back. Later, as an adult, I was diagnosed with a health condition that attributed to my weight gain. Because of this additional weight and what I had tried in the past, I was determined to do something about it and find a solution for myself.
My concern for my weight gain propelled me to bring it up with my doctor during my regular physical appointment. I was lucky to have a trusted relationship with my doctor and felt I could comfortably open up to him about my weight struggles. My doctor suggested using CONTRAVE as a long-term option, a better solution than trying to find a quick fix to lose weight. He told me it would help with portion control, which I felt to be my biggest issue. My stomach was a bottomless pit and I never felt full or satisfied.
So, I read up on the CONTRAVE pamphlets and decided to give it a try. CONTRAVE, coupled with a healthy diet and exercise regimen, helped me achieve my weight loss goals. I continue to take CONTRAVE to help with keeping the weight off. With CONTRAVE, it helps me eat significantly less.
I can eat the same foods I used to love, but I’m not eating the same large portions that used to never satisfy me. The energy I have now with my weight loss lets me play with my son without being out of breath. I can be the active mom I always wanted to be. I also have a different relationship with food now; we’re friends and not enemies. CONTRAVE has made a difference in my life, and it made it possible to reach my weight loss goals.

NOTE: Real patient taking CONTRAVE at the time of her interview in October of 2022.
Individual results may vary. Photos and story used with permission.
Patient name: Janet A.
Age: 59
Occupation: Museum Curator

My story:
I’ve struggled with managing my weight my entire life. My reactive eating behavior led to decades of huge weight gain accompanied by physical and emotional pain. Stress was a main trigger for my eating, whether it was related to work or family. When I felt disappointed because something wasn’t going right for me, I would spiral into a dangerous mindset. I would start to think that nobody cared if I took care of myself or not, and I deserved snacks due to a situation, and eating would make me feel better. These thought patterns only prompted me to eat more. I could easily power through bags of cookies and chips with no stop button in sight.
When I started taking CONTRAVE, I began to feel control over my cravings for the first time. My early weight loss successes led to more success. Along with changing my diet, I began to focus on moving my body. First, I started walking, then spinning, then running, and then attending fitness classes. Working out had been so important to me in my 20s and 30s, something that I loved. Fitness has once again become a passion and a priority in my self-care routine.
My journey wasn’t easy. Alongside the physical part of losing weight, I had to confront my lifelong relationship issues with food and come to peace with them. I spent the first year of my journey evaluating my relationship with food to figure out how and why I used food as a coping mechanism. I needed to heal from the hurt and lingering self-negativity to make room for healthier changes in my life. For me, sizing down was just a bonus to the greater mental shift I experienced during my journey.
Finding internal peace and selfacceptance has been the biggest non-scale victory in my weight loss journey. I was able to gain awareness and recognize the reasoning behind my eating behaviors including what was triggering my cravings. CONTRAVE helped me no longer need to reach for food as a comfort. I now know that I can deal with those triggers and cravings in healthier ways. CONTRAVE gave me the foundation I needed to lose weight. Through this journey, I have learned that not only am I capable of positive change, but I am worthy of it.

NOTE: Real patient taking CONTRAVE at the time of her interview in October 2022. Individual results may vary.
Photo and story used with permission.
Choose the REAL Contrave!
All licensed Contrave pills are inscribed with NB-890 mark.

FULL original bottle of Contrave comes in 120 tablets (4 Months Dosage).
Smaller quantities PRE-PACKED Contrave are packed individually in licensed lab facility.
1 Whitechapel Rd, Whitechapel, London E1 1BB, United Kingdom & is subsidaries of Slimming Clinic LLC (UK)
Products here belongs to the Trademark of individual manufacturer. We are NOT in any way affiliated to any manufacturers.
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